This Function Can be performed by Accountant or Admin Role
Create Fees Type
- Click Student Accounting
- Click Fees Type (If you have not done before, if you have
- Click Add Fees Type
- Enter the fee name ( Tuition Fee, Uniform, Form Fee, etc)
- Enter the name and description
- Then save
- This is expected to be a one off. You can create another if there is a new Fee Types
Create Fees Group
- Click Student Accounting
- Click Fees Group
- Click Add Fees Group
- Type the Group Name (eg 2020 3rd Time For Basic Classes)
- Enter the description (eg Basic Classes Fee)
- Select the applicable Fees Types eg Tuition Fee by checking the box
- Enter the due date for the fees
- Enter the amount of the fees
- Repeat the same applicable fee type
- Then save
- Repeat the same steps for all the fee to allocate to students
- This is expected for every term or when there is need to bill students
Fee Allocation (Attaching the fee to Students)
- Click The Student Accounting
- Click Fee Allocation
- Select the applicable class (eg JSS 1)
- Select the section (eg A)
- Then select the Fees Group (eg 2020 3rd Time For Basic Classes)
- Check the name of the student that the Fee Group created applied to
- Make sure you uncheck student that is not expected to receive bill
- Then save.
- Repeat the same steps for all the fee to allocate to students
- This is expected for every term or when there is need to bill students